Oct 9, 2011

HR Bill #4646

According to Snopes.com and TruthorFiction.com, it is TRUE that a bill has been introduced in the U.S. Congress which will charge a 1% tax on every personal business transaction. According to Nancy Pelosi, "this wonderful idea" will involve "only 1% tax" on ALL personal business transactions! 

HR Bill #4646 was introduced and is co-sponsored U.S. Representative Peter DiFazio of Oregon and U.S. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, both Democrats. If the bill passes [and takes effect after the November 2012 elections to keep it "under the radar" as planned], every American will be taxed 1% on: 

> ALL deposits to and withdrawals from one's checking and/or savings account(s) via any/all financial institutions or channel, e.g., ATM machines, personal computers (on-line banking), banks, brokerage houses, check cashing facilities, credit unions, stores, etc., using any/all financial instruments, e.g. any/all kinds of cash/currencies, checks, drafts, electronic transfers, money orders, wires, etc.; 

> ALL business transactions as buyer and/or seller of any/all kinds of investments, materials, merchandise, man-made or natural products, real estate, securities: bonds/stocks, etc; 

> ALL compensation and sources of income: earned income from employers or self-employment, retirement annuities/benefits, Social Security allotment, etc.

THIS MEANS … everything one does which involves money will be taxed 1%.
For example:

> All deposits one makes to his/her checking and/or savings accounts will be taxed 1%.

> All withdrawals one makes from his/her checking and/or savings accounts will be taxed 1%. 

> Any transfer within one's accounts, e.g., from savings to checking, will be taxed 1%.

> All ATM transactions--deposits, payments, withdrawals---will be taxed 1%.

> All Social Security benefits directly deposited to one's checking or saving account will be taxed 1% tax. 

> If one personally deposits a check, it will be taxed 1%.

> If one personally deposits cash, it be taxed 1%.

> Any kind of compensation or income, e.g., interest on a bond or dividend from a stock, will be taxed 1%. 

>If one buys or sells any kind of real estate, it will be taxed 1%.

> If one pay for an insurance premium by cash or check, it will be taxed 1%. . . .

Moreover, both the buyer and the seller will each be taxed 1%, which means 2% tax revenue for the government on all transactions!

Does this sound unreal?

Well, it is time for every American to wake up and realize that this non-sense is reality. The US government wants to tax your money at every turn, in any way and every way it can because it needs to make money to satisfy its insatiable habit of wasteful spending.

Remember that in 2008 campaign, Obama and the Democrats promised "CHANGE". Well, you are about to see the fulfillment of that promised "CHANGE" … it wants every bit of "CHANGE" that it can squeeze out of your bank account(s), your paycheck, and your wallet!

This nonsense has to be stopped!

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