Oct 1, 2024


Updated 07/24


Viewing - All blogs’ are available on your cell, laptop, and tablet. Once your desired page loads bookmark it and each time you return it will be ready for your viewing enjoyment.

Music Box - Scroll to the bottom of the sidebar. Click the stop (II) button to silence the music. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on each new page. If you like to read and listen, do nothing.

Decorum - This site requires an open mind and a sense of humor. It MUST be understood that we agree to disagree. Should you choose to post your disagreement it must be civil and hate speech is unacceptable.

I reserve the right not to accept material that doesn't meet the decorum standard.

Sidebar - The sidebar is loaded with links to various topics, movies, and more. All you have to do is point and click on the link.

Gramer - All articles are posted in their original form. Spelling issues within any article is not our place to correct thus left as is.

Posts - Most music videos and movies are brought to you through YouTube, All music and recordings are through SoundCloud. All artwork is through Pintrist and MSN images.

Disclaimer - Suppose you stayed and suddenly decided you were offended because you were secretly curious. In that case, I am not responsible for the effect it had on your life or day, including your mental well-being, your moral compass, or any way you may choose to have it negatively affect you. All I can say, you elected to stay. Therefore, GET OVER IT!

Contribution - If you have ideas, or suggestions, or want to contribute, please email me.

“Perspective gives us the ability to accurately contrast the large with the small, and the important with the less important. Without it, we are lost in a world where all ideas, news, and information look the same. We cannot differentiate, we cannot prioritize, and we cannot make good choices. “ -John Sununu 

These Blogs are a collection of articles, opinions, and insightful information, including pictures, entertainment videos, and more.

It’s hoped these blogs will be an open window to a better understanding of the world around us, and through this understanding try and make life better for ourselves and for all. Remember, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!


JERSEY SHORE is strictly about opinions and information seldom included in headline news. Hopefully, the information provided will help you understand the issues, ugly or otherwise.

FAITH is spiritual without “religion”. It’s not about converting, but solely for enlightenment, as well as, challenging faith itself. Since faith is a personal journey it’s important to be knowledgeable of the facts to avoid being manipulated by a religious system that is pretty much void of truth.

ODEUM is about videos, entertainment news, reviews, and more.

JOURNAL is about my journey through life. Also posted are contrivusal messages, photographs, and my opinions. 

GALLERY is a display of my photography, and arts and crafts.

- Posting Schedule -

Posting - Every Two Weeks
(Not Written In Stone)
Vacation - June to September

Always remember, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. The more you search to understand, life can be a journey filled with enlightened confidence and positive choices.

Thank you for stopping by. 
Enjoy your visit.

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