Oct 16, 2011

This Weeks Sound Off

Herman Cain Does 180 on Islam, Would Appoint Muslims To Cabinet

After coming out strongly against Islam and appointing Muslims to his cabinet, Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain reversed course completely. [View Cain’s Statement Here]

One Out of Two Herman Cains Would Appoint Muslims to His Cabinet, Judgeships

Herman Cain wants to correct the record: He would consider a Muslim for his cabinet or as a federal judge if he’s elected president.

Cain’s clarification comes two months after he initially said he wouldn’t have any Muslim appointees, stoking controversy and criticism from a leading Muslim advocacy group.

“That statement is not what I said. It has been misconstrued,” Cain told Glenn Beck on his radio show Tuesday. –Vision To America

Now that I’ve read this statement about Cain’s willingness to appoint a Muslim to his cabinet, I wouldn’t think twice about NOT voting for the bastard.

Infusing Muslim’s, in particular Islam into our political system is simply out of the question, for by doing so it would give Islam legitimacy that we cannot afford as American's. Why? Because Islam’s main goal is to destroy our way of life. By giving Islam an open door through which they could destroy us is not politically correct.

Herman Cain, go back to your pizza factory! I’m just saying!

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