Jun 19, 2011

This Weeks Sound Off

Weiner Takes Leave Of Absence; Obama Suggests He Should Resign

Rep. Anthony Weiner took a two-week leave of absence from the U.S. House on Monday to consider calls by Democratic leaders -- and a strong hint from President Barack Obama -- that he should resign over a "sexting" scandal and his subsequent lies about it.

The House Clerk read Weiner's request for the two-week leave of absence at 7:25 p.m. Monday. The House agreed to the request without any objection.

Earlier, both the White House and Obama ratcheted up the pressure on Weiner with the administration's first public comment on the scandal that emerged in late May.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Monday that Obama believes Weiner was wrong to send a lewd picture of himself over Twitter and then lie about it, and that the continuing scandal surrounding the New York Democrat is a distraction from important national business,

Obama himself later strongly suggested Weiner should step down, telling NBC in an interview that if he were in the congressman's position, he'd resign. –Read more at CNN Politics

Any politician who cheats, as well as lies, is not worthy of holding office and should resign. Cheaters are nothing more than liars … they are dogs, unworthy of the partner on whom they cheat and unworthy of the position they hold in society cause they cannot be trusted. Not only are politician’s guilty of this heinous activity, but even the average joe, every day man and woman, are just as quality and when caught should loose everything … partner, position, as well as undergo mandatory testing for diseases, including HIV/AIDS, and their names, pictures and test results posted like we post common criminals on line.

If I ever caught a partner of mine cheating and then lies about it, I would bring them down! They may not wear a scarlet letter, but my god the community will certainly know about it and I would see to it that they loose everything. Cheaters are amongst the lowest form of dirt and no one should tolerate this kind of activity from anyone. I’m just saying.

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