May 29, 2011

There Is Something Terribly Wrong!

While there have been recent extensive radio, TV and front page newspaper coverage about the puerile behavior and conduct of:

 > Charlie Sheen, age 45, the movie and TV star, who is also a known substance abuser and sexually promiscuous adulterer;

 > Lindsay Lohan age 24, another movie and TV star, who is also a known drug addict, repeated parole violator, and thief; along with

 > many other drug and sex addicts, criminals, free-loaders, knuckleheads, and social parasites, there has been hardly any mention (if at all) in the news media about:

> Justin Allen, age 23;
> Brett Linley, age 29;
> Matthew Weikert, age 29;
> Justus Bartett, age 27
> Dave Santos, age 21
> Jesse Reed, age 26;
> Matthew Johnson, age 21;
> Zachary Fisher 24;
> Brandon King, age 23;
> Christopher Goeke, age 23; and
> Sheldon Tate, age 27 ... 

the U.S. Marines, who, like many thousands of men and women in the military, have sacrificed their lives so that, in full freedom, every American, including the above-mentioned Hollywood celebrities and social liabilities and misfits, can personally engage in the pursuit of happiness.

There is something terribly wrong with the present priorities and values in the USA and in the World!

There is something terribly wrong when the bad elements in society have become the main focus of attention and the ruling power(s), while the good elements have been almost completely, [if not altogether], ignored.

There is something terribly wrong when the world's reigning Superpower allows cheaters, liars, tax evaders, thieves, and violators of the U.S. Constitution to be its national, state, and local leaders.

There is something terribly wrong when the news media allow themselves to be bribed and/or threatened by a person or a group to lie, skew reports, and cover up the truth.

There is something terribly wrong when the majority of voters allow themselves to be blinded by party loyalty, ignore the truth, and elect to office a head of state who is a liar and willingly support his and his cohort's lies.

Author Unknown

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