Feb 18, 2009

Somthing's Terribly Wrong!

Did you know that an immigrant/refugee in the USA, who has never worked a single day in the USA and who has never contributed a single cent to Social Security, can apply for SSI and various forms of U.S. government aid which include "free medical care" (Medi-Cal or Medicaid), food stamps, rent subsidies, etc.?

Did you know that an immigrant/refugee who applies for the various U.S. government aid programs can receive a monthly check deposited directly to his/her bank account, and that the check could amount to much more than the monthly Social Security retirement pension received by the "average" US citizen on hourly wages, who worked for and contributed to the Social Security Fund for 40 or more years?

Did you know that the monthly check an immigrant/refugee receives can amount to as much as $1,890.00 per month?

Did you know that an immigrant/refugee can also receive an additional $580 (or more) monthly from the Social Services Department for a combined total monthly check from both the federal and state government of about $2,470 a month? How's that for having never worked in the USA and having never contributed a single cent to Social Security? Not bad, eh? Compare that amount to the typical, "average" retired US citizen- and-hourly-wage-earner's monthly Social Security pension check of $1,500 or even less after having worked and having contributed to the Social Security fund for 40 (or more years).

Well, you and the rest of us long-time legal residents and citizens of the USA can "thank" the clowns in the federal and state Congress(es) for this terrible act of injustice to the legal US citizen/worker. And to add insult to the injury, the clowns in Washington DC have plans to allow ILLEGAL aliens to get a nice slice of the Social Security pie, too! Really nice, eh?

Perhaps, the US citizens on monthly Social Security pension of $1,500 or less should apply as "refugees" so that they, too, can receive at least $2,470 per month!


Now that you've seen graphically how our supposedly 'honorable' elected representatives, lawmakers & policy wonks in both federal and state Congress have "screwed" us [and are continuing to do so] . . . please pass this information on to every law-abiding US citizen you know.

Source Unknown

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