Feb 7, 2009

Pot Smoking

The flap over Michael Phelps smoking pot is really out of control and I take issue with how the media and the public is dealing with it.

In this day and age, being a role model is no easy task. I certainly wouldn’t want the position, because should I act or say something that society doesn’t agree with I would be torn down, my face rubbed in the dirt, then spat out like an over chewed piece of gum. The responsibility of a role model is just to heavy of a burden and sometimes the outcome is worse then the original offense itself.

Ok, Phelps’ first mistake was smoking pot in a public place. He should have known better! However, before we tar and feather the guy lets stop and think about the his lack of judgment. Perhaps we won’t find his actions as offensive?

As a society we glorify alcohol consumption like it’s God! Everywhere you turn alcohol is advertised, sold, and served. American’s love and worship alcohol. But god forbid if someone lights a joint. This double standard is so hypercritical and absolutely ridiculous.

My point is this. If you drink then you are as guilty as Phelps is for smoking pot. If Phelps shouldn’t smoke pot then we shouldn’t be consuming alcohol. After all, alcohol is a drug and God only knows how much American’s love to drink. Therefore, lets practice what we preach and stop being so judgmental while in one hand you have your favorite cocktail and maybe in the other, a cigarette.

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